GOLDEN CROSS Senior Ministries


According to recent data, on average 10,000 U.S. citizens turn 65 each day. And, a significant number will not be ready to retire financially or otherwise.

There are countless stories that can be told about people already touched by the generous donations to the GOLDEN CROSS Senior Ministries. Their average age is 74 and the average income is at or below the national poverty line. Many have outlived their families and their financial resources.

For many, life would be lonely and scary without this ministry. They have fought or supported those who fought in wars and taught the next generation about life, liberty, freedom and faith! God has now given us a grand opportunity and ability to love our neighbors and give something back through our many connections.

It is a blessing to be the eyes, ears and hands of your generosity. On behalf of this special group of neighbors – thank you for helping us make life better because no senior should ever have to travel life’s journey alone!

You and GOLDEN CROSS Senior Ministries, transforming lives one need at a time!

If you are interested in learning more about the ministry and how you can get involved, please call or email. 901-213-1930 or


David Kabakoff

President, GOLDEN CROSS Senior Ministries